Resource Centre


Welcome to the CASPA Resource Centre

Posted in Features

Most articles were first published in the CASPA newsletters and all can be found under their relevant category on the right-hand side to enable you to focus on particular types of information.  To search for something specific, you can either search within the articles (just above and to the right) or the whole CASPA website at the very top right of the page.

An archive of previous newsletters is available from the right-hand sidebar.  Why not sign up for the CASPA newsletter to have articles like these sent to your email inbox as soon as they are published?

Which reports and graphs should I use?

Posted in Analysing Attainment & Progress

CASPA provides you with a huge range of reports and graphs which might sometimes seem overwhelming, especially for newcomers to CASPA.  We are sometimes asked if we could indicate CASPA’s ‘Top Reports’ to get people started. This is not an easy task as different roles find that they use different reports and graphs.  However, we receive a lot of feedback from customers so, based on this feedback from your colleagues, we have been able to compile a slide pack that is designed to provide a useful guide for, as one customer put it, “Reports you cannot live without”.

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