Resource Centre


Spotlight on… Targets vs actuals analysis

Posted in Analysing Attainment & Progress

Did your pupils meet their targets… or perhaps exceed them?  Or did some fail to achieve certain targets?  Were the targets sufficiently challenging, and how might this influence target setting next year?.

All of these are important questions, and they can all be answered with minimal effort by using carefully focused reports in CASPA, whether you are pin-pointing a certain pupil, or all pupils for a specific subject, class, etc.

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Ignoring category of need

Posted in Analysing Attainment & Progress, Features

We know that for most CASPA users, this feels like the instinctively wrong thing to do.  And don’t worry, we’re not removing any features from CASPA that allow you to compare your pupils against those they most meaningfully compare to (in fact, we are looking at doing more of this, not less).  However, when it comes to inspections, you need to be prepared to consider progress using a variety of factors to meet the needs of Inspectors whilst also adequately portraying the real achievement of your pupils.

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