Based in Hampshire, SGA Systems Ltd is a successful, independent business which has been developing assessment tools to support the needs of schools and Local Authorities since 1995 and which has had a long involvement with Special Education Needs.
CASPA is our flagship product and caters for the analysis of progress and attainment for pupils with Special Education Needs. CASPA has been under continual development since 2002 and will continue to evolve to meet the constantly changing landscape of assessing progress for SEN pupils.
CASPA is used in around 130 Local Authorities as well as a large number of independent and non-maintained schools. The adoption of CASPA and its rapid spread has been almost entirely as a result of word-of-mouth recommendations; we sincerely believe that this is the best endorsement for CASPA.
CASPA is the result of our listening to SEN practitioners and understanding what they need to do their jobs. Our approach to software development ensures that we deliver software to our customers that is robust, reliable and simple to use and as a result, we enjoy a reputation for providing excellent quality software to our customers.
SGA Systems Ltd is based on the strong foundation of a committed team of professionals who have a passion for providing the very best products and service to our customers.