Resource Centre


Which reports and graphs should I use?

Posted in Analysing Attainment & Progress

CASPA provides you with a huge range of reports and graphs which might sometimes seem overwhelming, especially for newcomers to CASPA.  We are sometimes asked if we could indicate CASPA’s ‘Top Reports’ to get people started. This is not an easy task as different roles find that they use different reports and graphs.  However, we receive a lot of feedback from customers so, based on this feedback from your colleagues, we have been able to compile a slide pack that is designed to provide a useful guide for, as one customer put it, “Reports you cannot live without”.

Top CASPA reports and graphs title slide


Download the Top CASPA reports and graphs slide pack or visit the downloads section in the CASPA Resource Centre for this and other slide packs and guidance.

Each example provides not only the menu route to access it, but also a summary of its purpose and key applications to steer you towards making the most of each type of analysis.

These slides will be updated from time to time to reflect changes in CASPA so if you download the slide pack, and after some time want to refer to it again, please ensure you download a fresh copy to be sure you have the most up to date version.