RSE Insight is able to provide bespoke training for school and LA staff at their own location on request. We rarely deliver exactly the same training twice due to the particular needs of the group, whether levels of experience, school or LA Module, or the areas of CASPA of particular interest at the time. For example, in the autumn term, target setting is a key area for attention; in the summer term, ensuring high quality end of year data is paramount. Other topics vary according to audience
So, training is not one thing and CASPA has so many features, it is not possible to fit it all in to one session for all types of user. So whenever we receive a request for training, we will need to discuss the audience, levels of experience and particular areas of interest.
We also provide training in different styles:
Our training charges are based on a rate that normally caters for up to a whole day, regardless of the number of attendees; we do not charge by the hour or by delegate so although the cost may not always be attractive for delivery to a single person, the price per delegate for a group can become very small indeed. And although the charge is normally the same whether it is a 2 hour, half day or whole day course (after all, our trainer is out for the whole day, and possibly much longer for travel and preparation), most users find that around 4-5 hours is about right (depending on training style – see above) to absorb in a single session before they need to put it into practice. For details of current training charges, please email [email protected]
Training always takes place at your location, whether in a school or training/development centre. We often find that users gain more by working with colleagues during training and that, especially with groups of schools, policies and other local decisions that can enhance use of CASPA may be discussed or raised where relevant.